Breaking Into The Time Stream


Many people that have foreseen future events such as Nostradamus were beloved to have tapped into a ephemeral time stream. In essence, the time stream is like river flowing in all directions. Instead of water, events and portents of the past and future are constantly flowing.

Certain people have the ability to connect with this stream and pluck out events. They don't have much control and the glimpses they get are fast and fleeting, so they are left with only pictures in their head and a need to decipher it.

Nostradmus did it with quatrains that still vex those who try and understand them. Many people connect only a few times in their life and are left with strange prophetic dreams that eventually come true. It could be as simple as a future birthday party of some person they have never known or a plan crash three years down the line.

Many people consider time to be something that can bent. Even Einstein believed that time is dependent on the perspective of the person. Two people can experience time in a completely different way.

Of course, the time stream is just a theory like all things involving psychic phenomena it is unproven and untested. There is no river in the sky flowing with memories and future events, but that doesn't mean it isn't there. The future is a fickle thing and if there is a universe for every decision we make, what makes us think we can't tap into these forces.  

Five Less Commonly Known Types of Psychic Abilities

When people think about psychic abilities, they commonly think of Extra Sensory Perception (E.S.P) which is a broad 

term that encompasses several abilities which have to do with being aware of events (external to the individual) without using the five basic senses or deducing them logically from earlier experience, such as telepathy, precognition and clairvoyance. These are just a few of the many types of psychic abilities that some people are gifted with.

Psychic abilities aren't only about seeing the future or “knowing” what someone is thinking. A psychic ability or occurrence is a communication that doesn't involve physical, spiritual or mental abilities and can't be explained by modern science.

Some less commonly known types of psychic abilities include:

Empathy: This is being able to sense another person's emotions, drives and needs without being told or given outside information to draw from.

Aura reading: It is said that everybody gives off a personal “energy.” Those with the gift to read auras can see others' energies in forms of colors which correlate to different emotions and even personalities.

Pyrokinesis: This is the ability to start a fire with your mind.

Channeling: Channeling is being able to act as a vessel or conduit for an outside intelligence, such as a deceased person.

Automatic writing: This psychic ability involves being able to write without conscious thought through the subconscious mind or by being guided by an outside intelligence.

While many people have at least heard of psychic abilities like clairvoyance (seeing visions of things from far distances or that are hidden), there are many others that are just as remarkable, but far less commonly known.


Michel de Nostradame

His prophecies gave a glimpse of the future - and still do.

There is no need to even discuss the impact Nostradamus has had on the seer mythos. His book, “The Prophecies” has

 been in print since the 1500s and is still read to this day. Few people realize that Nostradamus wasn't always a seer and that his beginnings were not unlike anyone else living that time.

He was born in December of 1503 to Reyniere de Saint-Remy and Jaume de Nostradame. He has and at least eight brothers and sisters. Yeah, they had big families back in those days. There is little else know about his childhood, but he was no seeing the future as a child. At least, he wasn't writing it down.

He entered the university of Avignon at the age of 25 and studied the usual courses of grammar, rhetoric and logic. He had to leave after only a year because of an outbreak of the plague. The university shut its doors when the students started dropping like flies.

He traveled for about eight years after that avoiding the plague and learning about local folk cures for a variety of illnesses and became a rather accomplished apothecary. He tried to get a doctorate in medicine, but was expelled when it came to light he had practiced as a apothecary. He supposedly created a rose colored pill that could protect people against the plague, but the efficacy of such medicine was never determined.

In the mid 16th century, Nostradamus began to lean towards the occult and away from mundane medicine. He became known as Nostradamus and began his career as a seer.

The Many Faces Of Prophecy

The future is a funny thing. How can someone predict something that hasn't happened and how does telling is about

 keep it from happening or cause it to happen. Every time I think about this paradox, I think about The Matrix.

As Neo waits sits with the Oracle in her kitchen, she tells him not to worry about the vase. A second later, he runs into it and knocks it over. He looks at her astonished thinking she predicted it was going to happen, but the Oracle tells him how much of what happened was because she told him.

There have been prophets and soothsayers throughout the ages that have claimed to tap into some universal pathway that allowed them to see future events. Some of these events actually happened and some didn't. Nostradamus had his infamous quatrains that scholars have been deciphering for decades. Some people say they predicted Hitler and Saddam Hussein, but how much of that is based on hindsight.

Prophecy is always cryptic and open to interpretation. when we have the ability to look back at past events and fit them to the prophecies its easy to assume its validity. Lets take doomsday prophecies, of which there have been many. People take the events of the day and fit them into the mold they want. Earthquakes, floods, disease and famine have been a natural part of civilization for centuries. What makes one earthquake more special than another.

Unless a prophecy spells it out for you directly, take everything with a grain of salt because we can easily be shaping the future to fit the prophecy rather than the prophecy predicting the future.

Edward Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet

Since childhood, I've always been interested in the paranormal and how the universe really worked. A big part of the reason I studied physics was 

just to learn about the nature of time and the universe.

Through the millennia there have been those who've claimed to have the ability to look into the future and see coming events. Some have been as far reaching and prolific as Nostradamus, but the visions of many have been much more mundane. The first person I was truly interested in learning more about was psychic Edgar Cayce.

Cayce did much more than just predict the future. He helped pioneer the study of paranormal activity and the Edgar Cayce Association For Research and Enlightenment is to this day one of the most respected centers for paranormal research in the world.

He was known as the sleeping prophet because he made his predictions while in the middle of a hypnotic trance. He claimed to have knowledge of Atlantis and predicted that one day it would be found. He provided more than 14,000 readings, but said he rarely remembered anything he said. Like all soothsayers, Cayce has his critics and has been called a charlatan on more than one occasion.

The truth about Edgar Cayce may never be known, but some of his predictions have come true and other have not. As any psychic will tell you, their abilities are never 100 percent perfect all the time. Cayce died in 1945, but his readings and teachings still make up some of the most valuable resources in psychic and paranormal investigation.

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