The Truth About Doom

The Truth About Doom

One of the biggest concepts that prognosticators through the ages have attached to is the eventual end of the world. The Bible talks about it, the Norse had Ragnarok and so on. For some reason, history seems to be obsessed with the end of all things.


The funny thing is that no one has successfully predicted it yet, or else I wouldn’t be here to write about it. Doomsday dates have been around for ages and they all come and go without so much as a wimper.


People have killed themselves rather than face the end only to have their deaths mean nothing when everything turns out fine. “Prophets” have raised millions of dollars to help people prepare for the rapture only to see the date come and go. They end up having to make some kind of excuse to postpone it, and then hope no one things about it again.


The truth is that there are far too many variables to accurately predict the end of the world. Even honest and truth prognosticators can't predict something like that because one tiny change in history could postpone it for millenia.


It's such a major even that if it were predictable, it would be like a beacon in the time stream. There wouldn't be one or two people predicting, it would be everyone. People who say they can predict the end of all things, obviously don't know the implications that would have on the psychic world.