October 2020

Gold Star Coronavirus?

"They want to hug me..."

President Donald Trump has indicated that he feels a recent event honoring "Gold Star" families - families of fallen soldiers - is the likely culprit for his recent positive Coronavirus result. No evidence or contact tracing was provided for this assumption. The event was held just one day after an event at the White House for a new Supreme Court Justice nonimation. So far, over a dozen people in the administration, or who were at the nomination event, have had positive COVID19 tests. Trump told Fox News he “went through, like 35 people... and everyone had a different story... I can’t back up and say Give me room. I want room. Give me 12 feet. Stay 12 feet away when you talk"

See-Through Critters

When I was 22 years old, I gave birth three months prematurely due to preeclamsia. My 25-week-old baby only weighed 13 ounces and I could see right through that teeny, tiny micropreemie body. After that experience, you can bet that I'm not surprised by any creature being see-through.

Hey Trump, Share the Meds

Who wouldn't want the cocktail that Trump's been given, particularly those 'roids that have him so hyped up that he could probably clean the entire White House, if he knew how. I doubt that man child has ever cleaned a day in his life. No, what I'm talking about is the medicine that he's been treated with, complete in the hospital with socialized medicine and chandeliers, that proves that Americans could be doing better but aren't because of our crap healthcare system.

Why Do Women Vote Against Themselves?

Today I saw several women arguing against the idea, supposed by AOC, that menstrual products should be freely available, like toilet paper, in bathrooms. I'm super in favor of this, especially in schools, where my fellow uterus owners and I have had many an embarrassing day. Once I was caught without products a week early at the March for Women's Lives in Washington around 15 years ago or so ago. It's a normal bodily function, like using the restroom, that needs to be normalized and supported for all uterus owners.

Witch-a-Thon Is Coming!

One of the best things about quarantine for us book lovers is that our read-a-thons are never canceled because we can always do them from home! Witch-a-Thon is quickly approaching; do you have your reads ready?

Witch-a-Thon takes place from October 35 through 31, and while the prompts haven't yet been revealed, you can still start preparing. I plan on reading several books about witches as well as whatever I find interesting in the prompts, and I plan on blocking some time out to do so.

Cat Vs. Dog People

Just from personal experience, I think a lot of those memes and videos that depict outgoing dog people and more reclusive cat people to be fairly accurate on the whole. Obviously nothing will be across the board; I have both cats and dogs, just as one example, and you can't paint everyone with the same brush. 

Creative Dessert Modifications

My fellow dessert lovers, I was in a conundrum. As someone who craves sweets yet has to monitor my blood sugar, I kind of always am. I'm pretty good at finding substitutions as I need them, but when DQ had their pumpkin cookie butter shake so prominently displayed when I drove through to get my teen a shake, I froze.

How could I nab this combination of two of my favorite things?

Handprint Halloween Crafts

When my kiddo was little, we used to make handprint crafts for just about every holiday. It's a wonderful way to make easy trees, ghosts, turkeys, etc. while also commemorating how tiny those little hands were! If all you have is some paper and pencils, you can even do it, although colored pencils, markers and paints definitely make it pop.
