One of the coolest aspects of the show was for those people that didn't have a vision of the future. That meant that at some point and time they died and weren't alive at that time. It was interesting watching people deal with their visions as well. Some of their visions were completely mundane, while others offered hope and still others showed traumatic events.
It only lasted one season and it was pretty clear early on it wasn't going to make it and still I watched. It made me think of the future and how fickle a thing it is. Does knowing your future mean you can change it or do we have no chance to take it?
I was thoroughly saddened when the show went off the air especially after what I thought was a great cliffhanger. I may never know what happened to the people on that show, but I am glad that it gave me an interest in future prediction. I always had an interest the paranormal, but discounted future prediction because of the idea of the future being predictable. This show showed me a completely new way of looking at it.