That’s the great thing about the future: You can pretty much say whatever you want. A woman comes in and wants to know if she’ll ever find the love of her life. What does a charlatan tell her? Of course she will, it’s just a matter of time. The psychic then describes some perfect amalgamation of a man and the customer leaves happy.
No one wants to really know the future if it’s going to be bad. They want to know they are going to get the job of their dreams, the man or woman that is the one and that their husband is going to get better. We would rather be left in the dark or even be in denial.
If you have ever met someone with the gift or prognostication, then you know that it’s sometimes more than a curse than a gift. They don’t have the luxury of just telling people what they want to hear. They feel the need and the obligation to put the bad with the good. People don’t want to hear that.
That’s why the charlatan psychic industry is to popular and thriving in this time of indecision. No one wants to make decisions, they would rather think that it’s fate and it’s not their responsibility.