Clairvoyance and Sensory Deprivation

Clairvoyance and Sensory Deprivation


Psychics and other practitioners of extra sensory perception have been using sensory deprivation as a way to enhance and amplify their talents. This is definitely not something new and is based on sound scientific theory.

It has been proven that when a person loses one sense, such as hearing or sight, that the body enhances the other senses. So someone who lost their sight, gain more acute hearing, etc. The theory follows that if you deprive the body of all of the senses, then it might enhance the one sense that is left... the sixth. In a full sensory deprivation experience the subject is in total darkness and their ears are covered or they are placed in a completely silent environment.

They are also suspended in a solution that keeps them buoyant and with a temperature that is as close to their natural body temperature. This fools the body into thinking it's floating in nothingness. People often use this for meditation, but it can also be used to increase sensory abilities.

Not everyone can afford a sensory deprivation tank, but eliminating as many senses as possible through blindfolding and ear muffs can also increase sensory awareness. This isn't just for future prediction either, it can used with any type of ability such as astral projection. The benefits of sensory deprivation have been debated.

People who lose a sense permanently take years for their other senses to compensate, but we expect sensory deprivation to create this enhancement instantly.