The Many Universe Theory

The Many Universe Theory

Some may say that predicting the future depends on your particular reality. There is a theory that states that there are an infinite number of universes. This roughly translates that every decision ever made creates a new universe.

For example, when you woke up this morning and chose eggs for breakfast your time line continued on with that decision. In another universe, you woke up and had sausage and that created an entirely different time line.

When you get to the car, you turn to county station, but in another universe, you picked a rock station. Hollywood has used this theory for the television show “Sliders” and has been used in many different movies through the years.

In some universes, life may never have evolved on Earth and in another the Earth could have been destroyed by an asteroid. You could be a hair dresser in one universe and a famous designer in another. These is an interesting conundrum for revealing the future. Anyone that can tap into these universes may see outcomes to certain universes, but that may not be the case for the universe that person is in.

The future is supposed to be a mystery, but the outcome of every decision you have ever made creates a universe. So in some universes you got the job and in others you didn't. It's all about choice, but when you take into account the many universe theory, your choices have little consequence and so does the future. Every thing that can happen...has.