The Future of Prediction

The Future of Prediction

There was a time when psychic abilities and future prediction were wrapped in mystery. It was something that not many people talked about and very few advertised. That's not the case today.

You can't turn on the television without seeing a show about hunting ghosts, talking to the dead or following a psychic around for the day. These people have stopped being pariahs of society and turned into the newest reality celebrities.

Does coming out in the psychic world cheapen you? There are many people that feel these gifts are sacred and should not be exploited for personal gain. People think these abilities should only be used to help people and not to sell books or line your pockets with cash.

I have to admit that when I watch television shows where psychics are possessed by spirits in over dramatic ways that are obviously fake or when spirits have so much activity in a single episode that you know that producers are helping them out, it cheapens the experience.

There have been charlatans in the psychic world for decades, but people in the know, knew who has real and who as a fake. Charlatans advertised their abilities and had lavish shows shooting “ectoplasm” out their nose. I guess psychics have the same right to exploit their abilities as anyone else. It's just disheartening. I think the future of prediction and psychic abilities will have a big neon sign on the Vegas strip. In today's world, everyone is a celebrity if you're willing to put yourself in front of the camera.